To get registered, you have to fill the application form provided along with this prospectus. Student can buy the prospectus from any of the authorised centre and register in any of our CBCTE Study centres. CBCTE Centre provides all courses (as per HO guidelines). The site description, ASC name and code are to be mentioned in the application form at the time of admission. These details can be obtained from ASC or through new paper or student prospectus for the certificate courses. The total fee has to be paid at the time of registration. The student has to mention the name of courses and its code while filling the application form. Once the student is registered at the head office only up gradation in the course shall be entertained and not otherwise.
Considering the requirements of the aspirants, courses can be classified into :-
(i) Certificate courses (ii) Diploma courses (iii) Dual Diploma courses (iv) Advance Diploma courses (v) PG Diploma Courses (vi) Professional/Short Term courses (vii) Vocational Courses.
All of these courses are composed of different modules and emphasis on the core areas of IT, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication and Vocational education. CBCTE has presented these courses at the peanuts so that each and every section of the society can easily afford to learn the computers & get benefitted without any fee barriers.
The CBCTE courses are offered in a very easy & simple to understand manner comprising of:-